Golf Swing Mechanics - Discover How to Fix Your Slice Fast and Easy

Are you a beginning golfer or an avid golfer that is sick of slicing the golf ball? There are certain golf swing mechanics that cause you to slice the golf ball and having the knowledge of what causes this will help you correct it. Here is an explanation that should help and a drill to help you as well.

Black And Decker Drill Set

Before we get into the explanation you should know that in order to really get good enough to stop slicing you will need much more than just this article. You either need to get professional instruction from a club pro or you need to get yourself a good step-by-step plan of attack like the one at the bottom of this article. It is worth the few minutes of your time to check it out.

Black And Decker Drill Set

So what is causing you to slice the ball?

First, you have to understand that there are only two things that control the direction of the golf ball and that is your swing path and your club face angle. The path is responsible for you pulling, pushing, or hitting the ball straight, and the face of the club is responsible for the hook, draw, straight shot, fade, and slice.

Now with knowing that you need to fix your face angle at impact. If you are pull slicing, then you also have a path issues and your path is outside in. If you are push slicing (very ugly!), then you have an inside out swing path. Both of these have an open face, which is causing your slice.

The Drill

Now to work on learning how not to slice we have to fix your face angle and your path, most likely. You can do this by setting up a shoebox about a half inch from the ball and hitting the ball without hitting the shoebox. You may go through a few shoe boxes before you perfect this, but it will work.

Golf Swing Mechanics - Discover How to Fix Your Slice Fast and Easy
Black And Decker Drill Set

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